Tico Tem Park 1


Start date: 2011-08-31 End date: 2012-05-15 Current status: Terminada

Detailed description:

Construcci n of complementary works corresponding to the second stage of phase 0 of movement of Earth, enclosures, landscaping, services system p public, management of rainwater, sewage, river beds and escorrent ACE, the tico Tem Park Flora and Fauna of Pereira. Executed works of earth moving for the systems• n of the bioregions where is located n the different species of flora and fauna of the Park; construcci n of the first phase for opening of the v to perimeter level sub-grade; construcci n de wall in reinforced earth reinforced with geotextiles and their respective plant cover; n crawler mesh enclosure and concertina in stainless steel construction.

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Movitierra Construcciones S.A.
Carrera 14 N 98-15 PBX: (+ 57 6) 320-5218
Telefax. (+ 57) 320 5206 Pereira Colombia
Email: servicioalcliente@movitierra.com