About Us

Our field of action is related to the construction of road infrastructure, construction and paving of roads, Earthworks, Construction of concrete structures, construction of sewers and rental and sale of equipment and machinery. Recently we added to our corporate purpose, the Construction of housing and work with Trenchless Technology (drilling for underground infrastructure).

As a strategy to improve, the company decides to implement a management tool that would enable it to achieve its quality objectives and fulfill the requirements of their customers satisfactorily. So, since 2000 we count with a system of quality management based on the Colombian norm ISO 9001.

With the CEO's decision in 2011 to expand the portfolio of services and with the vision to broaden its target market, the company decides to work with the purpose of acquiring the certification in the Integrated Management System HSEQ. It is so as in the month of February of the year 2012 such certification is achieved, allowing us to work under the guidelines of ISO 9000 standards NTC "Systems Quality Management", NTC ISO 14001 "Environmental Management Systems" and OSHAS 18001 "Occupational Safety and health", ensuring compliance with our commitments, consolidating each day as one of the most vibrant, dynamic and important companies in the region.

Documents of interest

Certificate of Commerce


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Movitierra Construcciones S.A.
Carrera 14 N 98-15 PBX: (+ 57 6) 320-5218
Telefax. (+ 57) 320 5206 Pereira Colombia
Email: servicioalcliente@movitierra.com