Trenchless Technology represents a set of procedures aimed to build, replace or repair all types of pipes, small and large diameter sewers, aqueducts, power grids, communications, natural gas networks, gas pipelines, among others.

As its name implies, this type of technology has the purpose of construction or installation of the pipes without using ditches, however, is usually required digging a trench pit entrance and exit for the equipments used.

Movitierra Construcciones provides the following services:

Horizontal Directional Drilling

The technology operates by a drilling machine to the ground throughout the course of the installation, and being oriented from the surface followed by a locator that indicates the position. When the drill head has reached its goal, is replaced by a reamer, which expands drilling to the desired diameter. During his return, the pipe to be installed is introduced.

It is an ideal technology for crossing pipes under rivers, railways, highways and other obstacles of any kind.


    ? Reduction of waste and debris generated by the work.
    ? Reduction in execution times.
    ? Reduced alteration of mobility within cities.
    ? Low environmental impact.
    ? Reduction of noise contamination.

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Movitierra Construcciones S.A.
Carrera 14 N 98-15 PBX: (+ 57 6) 320-5218
Telefax. (+ 57) 320 5206 Pereira Colombia